



102nd Anniversary of the Battle of Dytiatyn

"Dytiatyn - Uniqueness and Cyclicalness"

September 17, 2022

2022, the year of the 102nd anniversary of the Battle of Dytiatyn, brought to Polish lands and Ukrainians, a lot of uncertainty, fear and suffering. The next bloody events in history beyond Poland's eastern border do not allow us to forget the heritage, about history. This heritage, written in hearts through the cultivation of unwavering patriotic virtues, does not allow us to erase the memories of events that are a lesson for every future generation. It does not allow us to forget the blood of our ancestors shed on this Earth. The "Polish Thermopylae", because this is how the Battle of Dytiatyn was written on the pages of history, is still alive in our Memory. In recent years, also this year, we will remember! We will remember actively and bravely - there on this land where 102 years ago the blood of Polish and Ukrainian soldiers flowed. We will remember, because this heritage attracts us every year there, to the War Cemetery in Dytiatyn.

This year's Dytiatyn celebrations can certainly be considered exceptional. Despite such turbulent events in Ukraine, they took place as usual, cyclically on September 17, 2022. However, what is exceptional this year is the lack of participation of guests and Polish groups from Poland. The situation that surprised us on February 24 early in the morning is still making itself felt in all areas and spheres of life - also in this social dimension. The celebrations began with a Holy Mass celebrated at the War Cemetery in Dytiatyn. To get to the Cemetery, you have to overcome a difficult path leading through fields and potholes. But this does not discourage, as every year, a large group of guests went to where the heroic deed is commemorated, where a human life was given. The Holy Mass was presided over by Fr. Roman Stadnik, Dean of the Galician Deanery. During the Holy Mass, the Custodian of the Custody of the Holy Cross, Fr. Stanisław Kawa OFM Conv., delivered a word to the participants. He recalled that 102 years ago, a bloody battle between Polish and Ukrainian soldiers and the Bolsheviks took place in this very area. He said: "On the eve of the October Revolution, the Blessed Virgin Mary, who appeared to the children in Fatima, spoke of the threat that would come from Russia. And she asked for prayer for the conversion of the Russian nation, to stop the evil that would spread from there to the whole world. Who took this seriously?" (...) Who hears the voice of God today? (...) God does not want death and suffering."

In a letter sent on this occasion by the Government Plenipotentiary for the Polish Diaspora and Poles Abroad, Mr. Jan Dziedziczak, we read: "The memory of the heroes of the war The battle with the Bolsheviks in 1920 will remain our duty forever. (…) The words from the order issued after the battle by the commander of the 8th Infantry Division, Colonel Stanisław Burhardt-Bugacki, testify to the courage of the Polish Soldier who fought against an enemy four times larger, even when he ran out of ammunition: “All of them persevered, both soldiers and officers, bravely sacrificing their lives rather than the guns and the Honor of the Polish Soldier (...). May their courage and fearless courage ignite in us this great fire of Love of the Fatherland, which may lead everyone in the footsteps of such heroes.” After the end of the ceremonial celebrations at the Cemetery and the laying of flowers and candles by state representatives, and church of Poland and Ukraine, patriotic performances took place. Children from the group "Perełki" from Dolina in Ukraine, led by Father Krzysztof Panasowicz, presented a patriotic program prepared for this ceremony to the gathered guests. This beautiful artistic setting crowned the celebrations and allowed to feel the spirit of patriotism and unity between nations again.

This year's celebrations were also exceptional due to the absence of one of the oldest, permanent participants in the commemoration of the events of Dytiatyn - Mr. Petro Hrudzewycz. He became a kind of propagator of these celebrations when, in the times of the USSR, he expressed his opposition to the removal of the cross commemorating the events on Dytiatyn Hill. For his heroic act, he suffered persecution, and as a result, his health deteriorated. However, the memory of his merits has been preserved and in 2021, the President of the Republic of Poland awarded him the "Virtus et Fraternitas" Medal. Unfortunately, Mr. Petro did not live to see the next celebrations of the Battle, which also marked his life with suffering. He died a few months before the celebrations of the 102nd anniversary. However, the memory lives on, although he was not present at the Celebrations, our presence was with him. Ms. Eliza Dzwonkiewicz - Consul General of the Republic of Poland in Lviv - solemnly laid flowers on his grave.

102 Celebrations – unique and cyclical. Unique in every respect. And here we can reflect that uniqueness is invariably connected with cyclicality and routine. Life comes full circle every year, every decade and century, and the uniqueness of events, meetings, moments is always woven into the cyclicality. The most important thing is unwavering memory!

Dytiatyn – we remember!

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"Co-financed by the Minister of Culture and National Heritage from the Cultural Promotion Fund"

War cemetery in Dytiatyn

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