
Our projects 2022


Our projects 2022

"Care for the War Cemetery in Dytiatyn, organization of the celebration of the 102nd anniversary of the Battle of Dytiatyn" - 2022 edition

The aim of the project is to provide year-round care for an important Place of Remembrance, which is the War Cemetery in Dytiatyn (Ukraine, Ivano-Frankivsk Oblast). As part of the implementation, 102 commemorative events of the Battle of Dytiatyn will be traditionally organized.

The beginning of spring in Dytiatyn

The end of February turned out to be the beginning of a very difficult time for the whole of Ukraine. We are all following the news from our eastern border. Despite the very difficult situation, the Franciscan Fathers continue to take care of their Parishes, Monasteries and all those in need in Ukraine. We have not given up on caring for our Polish Cultural Heritage. We are continuing the borderland project of caring for the War Cemetery in Dytiatyn. Here are some March photos from Dytiatyn.

Summer in Dytiatyn

The height of summer at the Dytiatyn Cemetery. Work is still ongoing, and we are slowly getting ready for the anniversary celebrations of the Battle of Dytiatyn


On September 17, 2022, another celebration commemorating the Battle took place in Dytiatyn. A solemn Holy Mass was celebrated at the War Cemetery with the participation of representatives of the state and local governments of Poland and Ukraine, and flowers and candles were laid. The Holy Mass was presided over by Fr. Roman Stadnik, Dean of the Galician Deanery. During the Holy Mass, the Custodian of the Custody of the Holy Cross, Fr. Stanisław Kawa OFM Conv, delivered a message to the participants. After the celebrations at the Cemetery, participants and guests had the opportunity to see a patriotic performance by children from the "Perełki" band from Dolina, Ukraine, led by Fr. Krzysztof Panasowicz.

November 1 in Dytiatyn

As every year, our Franciscan Fathers laid flowers and candles on All Saints' Day in Dytiatyn and Bołszowce. The memory of compatriots is extremely important! The memory of heroes is always relevant!

"Co-financed by the Minister of Culture and National Heritage from the Culture Promotion Fund - a state earmarked fund"

"Co-financed by the Minister of Culture and National Heritage from the Cultural Promotion Fund"

War cemetery in Dytiatyn

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